Monday, February 10, 2014



Governments are populated by people and as such they are susceptible to human imperfections. The framers of our Constitution understood that the natural tendency of governments is to accumulate power by taking it away from citizens. The Constitution was written so as to limit the power of the federal government to a specific and well defined set of authorities. EVERY OTHER AUTHORITY NOT GRANTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WAS PROHIBITED FROM IT BY THE CONSTITUTION. The framers also guaranteed to the people the right to be armed for protection against any tyrannical actions of the government. Place yourself for a moment in their circumstances. They had just fought a war, successfully, against a far more powerful government to secure their freedom. They knew all too well the impotence of an unarmed citizenry against an organized and well armed military. The Constitution forbids the use of the U.S. armed forces against American citizens for this very reason. History has been kind to President Lincoln in light of his success in preserving the Union. I contend that he violated the Constitution when he used the army to kill American citizens. The fact that he was able to do so, set a precedent that is very troubling given the way our government is granting unconstitutional power to the executive branch and in effect to the hands of one man.

Each time the President tells the Congress or the American people that he will act unilaterally, if Congress does not, to correct some injustice, the foundation of our government crumbles a bit more. I wonder about what it was that the President meant during his first campaign for the office when he said that we should have a civil defense force equal to and as well armed as the military to maintain civil order. He is familiar with the Constitution, was that a proposal of a way around the law of the land. Why, I ask, does the Department of Homeland Security need over a billion rounds of soft nose ammunition that can’t even be used in a war according to the Geneva convention.

The Congress considered the Cap and Trade legislation and decided not to offer it to the President for signing into law. They have the legal right, authority and constitutional mandate to do that. Keeping in mind that both chambers of the legislature were controlled by the Presidents own political party at the time, it is almost unfathomable why the Congress today is standing idly by as the White House enacts the law by fiat using the regulatory power of the EPA. CO2 greenhouse gas pollution hysteria is just a Trojan Horse carrying the seeds of our country’s downfall. The lie about man caused global warming has been used so often that many people believe the lie even when the facts totally contradict it. It is worth restating that CO2 is only constitutes 3.62% of the earth’s greenhouse gases and that over our entire history mankind has only produced 3.2% of the CO2. In short only one tenth of one percent (0.01) of all greenhouse gas is our fault and eliminating all of our fossil fuel burning will have virtually no effect. The object is to control the production of electrical power.

Laws and or executive orders now give the occupant of the oval office the legal right to declare a state of emergency and unilaterally take control over all healthcare, transportation, fuel stocks, food and industrial production, financial institutions, the press, the internet and the military. I do not contend that the current President intends to use this authority but I do believe that it is foolish to vest so much unconstitutional authority in the hands of any one man, lest we someday find ourselves in the control of a dictator.

Congress still has the power of the purse even if it has lacked the will to exercise it. It is time to reassert the checks and balances built into our representative republic and force our government to live within the law through our representatives.

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