Monday, February 10, 2014



The CBO report covering the impact of Obamacare on the economy delivered twin torpedoes at the waterline of the President’s signature legislative achievement. It appeared at first glance that the specter of losing 2.3 million jobs and providing significant disincentives to both employers and workers in hiring would be a bad thing. I realize that it sounds silly now, but I thought the objective of the stimulus bill and the Presidents “laser like focus on jobs” was to create jobs. Now that the administration has clarified that the objective is in fact the elimination of “job lock” I begin to understand why they are not concerned about the historically low job market participation rate. The goal of the administrations programs all along has been to provide people with more free time to pursue more fulfilling jobs and family time. This also shows us that the problem for five years has been one of ineffective messaging just like the President said. We misunderstood him to mean that he was for employment and job growth when he was in fact against both.

It all makes sense in light of the multiple job killing programs such as endless unemployment compensation and vast new piles of regulations and taxes on business. Perhaps it would have caused far less concern among citizens if the President had used his numerous speaking opportunities to explain the concept and the crisis that “job lock” (being trapped in a job) really is to the employed. Who can dispute the value of trading full time employment for part time work if you get some quality family time out of the deal? A paycheck to cover the necessities can be easily replaced by government assistance but you can’t put a price on tucking the kids in at night. Welfare benefits after all pay better than minimum wage in 33 states. Having a job is clearly over-rated, we have a perfect example, in the President himself, that one can rise to the very top in this country without ever holding a job. When you think about it, it is a sad commentary about our country that 63% of the working age people are working instead of having the opportunities offered by unemployment.

One could view it differently though. A person might just want to consider that the new liberal talking points about the evils of “job lock” are nothing more than a lame attempt to distract us from the utter failure of the President’s economic policies. 93 million Americans who could work do not have jobs. Over twenty million Americans who want jobs can’t find them Mr. President, Senator Schumer, Senator Reid etc. If we don’t even count the underemployed, the employment picture in this country is grim and you want us to celebrate our new found freedom from the perils of “job lock”. I am a small business owner and I make payroll for my employees. I am pretty sure none of them agree with the load of crap you’re shoveling.

It would be a good idea I think for the administration to try something different. That’s what smart people do when a plan isn’t working. How about lowering business taxes and cutting the regulatory red tape for a change. Then we could stop using the EPA to attack the power generating and coal producing companies. The administration might even want to propose balancing the federal budget or reforming the unsustainable entitlement programs. It seems like there would be more pressing things to work on than immigration reform and income inequality. The President could try using that famous pen of his to veto some of the pork filled bills coming out of Congress instead of writing executive orders and filling out golf scorecards.

We need a change of direction in this country. National polls show that 90% of Americans feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction.

P.S.  The people of New York might want to think about their add slogan which claims “New York is open for business”. Your elected officials tell conservatives that they are not welcome. We conservatives are the ones that own most businesses!

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