Sunday, March 2, 2014



Read any political analysis written in the last five years and one thing stands out. This administration does not lead or even have a defined path or set of goals. It is evident from the aimless international policies as well as domestic failures of the Obama presidency. He does not present budgets to congress and lets the “do nothing” House and Senate drift without any clear direction from the executive branch. Our foreign policy defies any logical description. First we support the Arab Spring before we don’t, then we take a firm stand on Syrian human rights violations before we back down. North Korea and Iran are becoming very dangerous nuclear powers while the rest of the world looks to us for leadership and finds none.

I understand that the president grew up listening to and learning from mentors with very strong anti-colonial beliefs. There are some who believe that reducing the influence of the United States in the world is one of the Presidents goals because he views America as a colonial power and as such an unjust and arrogant bully in world affairs. I personally have no knowledge of the president’s thoughts on the subject but I will admit that his actions have diminished America both in the world’s perception as well as in reality. The profligate deficit spending of money borrowed from other nations coupled with reductions in our defense budget send a clear message to the worlds bad actors that we are not going to be able to intervene on behalf of other nations even if we want to. It is clear that Mr. Putin has no concern about what our reaction will be when he invades a neighboring country and if China decides to take Taiwan or North Korea invades to the South what could we do about it. When we are weak and appear leaderless it emboldens the tyrants of the world to commit aggressions against other nations, some of whom we have traditionally been allies.

If one speaks up and raises concern about border security the liberals inside the government and in the press brand you as callous and uncaring about the plight of the undocumented immigrants. You are said to show possible racist tendencies toward Hispanics. I listen to the braying and want to ask if those condemning me remember that during the fall of the USSR a few hundred suitcase nuclear weapons went missing. Weapons that are smaller and easier to transport than the tons of drugs moved North across the Mexican border every month. The world is a dangerous place filled with people intent on doing harm to America. They cannot be appeased or reasoned with and the only safety comes from strength of arms and the will to use it. Better to have a powerful military and not need it than wish you had one in the middle of a crisis.

The leadership vacuum in this county is real and it is putting us in danger. It does not matter if it is because the administration is inept or purposeful in their actions the result is the same. Our state department and CIA arm revolutionaries without knowing who they really are and we end up supporting the wrong side in civil wars like Egypt. When an arms smuggling operation blows up in our face in Benghazi everyone knows what happened but the administration lies to the American people and the world about it. Not one thing this bunch of amateur’s has done in international diplomacy has worked, at least not if the object was to promote stability in the world. I am no fan of Hillary or John Kerry but think of how impossible their job has been as the mouth piece of this paper tiger administration. The world does not believe that Obama will back up any threat and why should they his actions demonstrate that he won’t. He is too busy playing golf and campaigning to actually run a country even if he knew how.

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