Wednesday, March 5, 2014



When the Internal Revenue Code was sold to the people of the United States the government declared that the income tax could never exceed 7% of a person’s income. It is interesting that the language of the sixteenth amendment does not contain the limitation and of course we all know that the Washington politicians never intended to, or indeed have, limited their theft of our earnings to 7%. If they did the average American tax payer would fulfill his tax obligation in about twenty five days each year. In contrast taxpayers work on average four and a half months of every year to fulfill their tax obligation. The country abolished slavery with the thirteenth amendment and then granted the government the unrestricted right to subject us to indentured servitude three amendments later. To make the whole stinking mess even more corrupt the tax code has been perverted into 16,000 pages of favoritism and crony capitalism. The progressives got a hold of the tax code writing apparatus and have used taxation for social engineering and a vast vote buying mechanism. Every attempt to simplify the tax code to date using either a flat or fair tax system has been blocked by legislators seeking to preserve their power and control. The ability to write favorable tax rules for special interest groups draws huge sums of lobbying dollars into Washington D.C. to fill campaign fund coffers for incumbents every year. The system has gotten so corrupt that over 40% of the population pay no taxes at all and yet these same zero liability voters consume the majority of welfare expenditures.

The left would have us believe that the TEA Party is a bunch of racists and greedy white people that hate the poor and disadvantaged. The same left wing liberals that vote to confiscate the money earned by hard working Americans and then give it to free loaders that choose not to work. Stealing is stealing whether it is with a gun or the tax code. Taxed Enough Already is the whole point and the reason that the left work so hard to discredit the movement is because tax reform would take away their ability to keep the citizens as subjects of the ruling class in D.C.

It would seem that the whole tax system is so corrupt that it couldn’t get much worse. That however, would not be giving the politicians of both parties the credit that they deserve. The IRS is by design one of the most powerful and dangerous branches of government. The opportunity exists for unscrupulous members of the executive branch to use such power to punish political opponents and stifle anyone or group trying to form an organized political opposition. The current bunch of thugs in the executive branch did just that before the last presidential election. This assertion is not conjecture, the inspector general’s office found evidence of political targeting by the IRS and the head of the department involved later said it had happened. She, Lois Lerner, then used her “fifth amendment” right to not testify before congress to avoid incriminating herself twice. The offense of using the IRS to silence or punish political opponents is grounds for impeachment. President Nixon found that out the hard way. The administration is not frightened of the congress or Eric Holder’s Department of Justice knowing that the liberal press will persecute and ridicule anyone into silence who dares to question the legality of the first black president’s methods.

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