Thursday, May 1, 2014

                                         WHAT RECOVERY?


It is an unfortunate reality that in America he who controls the messaging controls the political climate. For over five years the country has been fed the politically expedient message by the main stream media that we are in a slow but steady recovery. The administration fully understands that main street pays attention to indicator numbers like the unemployment percentage and the Dow-Jones Industrials average. Wall Street has been surging upwards because of the intravenous feeding conveniently supplied though the Feds quantitative easing, otherwise known as printing money to devalue the dollar. Every savings and retirement account in the country is losing value without much notice as we are told that there is no inflation. Inflation is another one of the economic indicators that can cause trouble for an administration that wants to push an agenda. Core inflation has become a useful term now that the administration wants us to ignore the real loss of our buying power. Food and energy prices are not considered when calculating core inflation, the cost of gasoline has tripled on President Obama’s watch and every citizen that pays for food knows what has happened to prices at the grocery store. Every administration since 1978 has altered the way inflation was calculated. If we included all of the components in the inflation calculation that were included in 1980 the number today would be a staggering 11% instead of the 1.5% we hear on the news. If we use the 1909 method of calculating inflation we would be told inflation is 5%. The cost of the average Americans water bill has risen 300% over the last five years while the cost of home heating oil has doubled. The Neo-Keynesian idiots who calculate the economic indicators for public consumption appear to actually believe that the government can spend this country into prosperity. Winston Churchill’s famous quote comes to mind; “that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” The simple truth is that once wide spread central banking came into being at the beginning of the 20th century governments have used the deflation of their currencies to prop up deficit spending. The real purchasing power of the U. S. dollar has been reduced 95% since the creation of the Federal Reserve.

The number of unemployed and underemployed people in this country is a staggering level and new job creation is happening at 1/3 of the population growth rate yet the government tells us that the unemployment rate is dropping. They control the messaging in order to keep Americans in the dark about the disastrous effects of their economic and domestic social policies. What kind of BS investigative journalists do we have in this country when they dutifully report that unemployment is good because it allows us more quality family time? The liberal administration puts out the message and the lap dog liberal press reports it for general public consumption. Two days ago the news broke that the first quarter’s growth of GDP was only 0.1%. Looking inside the number shows that it only grew at all because we spent more on healthcare. The definition of a recession is negative GDP and yet we are told we have a slow steady recovery. Industry is not spending on Capital investments, when that happens there is no job growth from workers being employed in the non-existent new facilities. The stock market soars upward fueled by printed money and the government deficit spends and devalues our savings while telling us fairy tales about the economy. This type of politically motivated fiscal policy always ends badly and we have plenty of examples from history for proof. The Kool-Aid selling administration and press are not going to change their ways as long as we keep drinking it up.  

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