Tuesday, April 29, 2014



One by one the constructs of the Constitution meant to guarantee that the government would remain responsive to the will of the people are being set aside. The fundamental principle of our form of government is under attack by those who would subjugate us to rule by a progressive minority. Liberal politicians have been nominating activist judges to the bench at every level in the Judicial Branch for years. The same activist judges have read broad powers into the wording of the preamble of the Constitution in a successful effort to change the meaning of the document. The words, promote the general welfare, have been so broadly interpreted that virtually none of the limitations placed on the federal government by the Constitution are still intact. Every remaining vestige of the Tenth Amendment not wrecked by the courts reading of the general welfare clause has been swept away using an all encompassing gift of federal control through regulation of interstate commerce.

America is a patchwork quilt created by the efforts of her citizens. We can see success demonstrated by individuals running their own businesses of every description any time we care to look. We can also see evidence of failure in the street gangs and drug culture. The country is not perfect but it is better at giving people the opportunity to elevate themselves out of poverty than any other form of government ever created by man. The basic notion that we are secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects is opposed to the view of every progressive who believes government has the right to determine the “greater good” when private property rights conflict with public theft. The Constitution is filled with protections for the individual against usurpations of our unalienable rights, as set forth in the Declaration of Independence, by the government. These protections are under attack everyday by the same progressive politicians who seek to control us to their own ends. We are being disarmed of our legal protections by unelected bureaucrats writing regulations enforced by government attorneys who fight us with taxpayer dollars. Thousands of pages of new regulations are promulgated every year in an unending effort to control the wealth and productivity of America’s economy by a small minority who see themselves as the intellectual elite. Picture for yourself a politician who could believe he has both the right and the authority to determine how large a soft drink we can consume and our right to keep and bear arms. That person is a progressive, we can all put a name on the face but the name doesn’t really matter, progressives are interchangeable because they are unified in their single minded drive to destroy government by the people.

The progressives want us disarmed of any effective means to resist their will and absolute mastery over us. The separation of powers, first, second, fourth, and tenth amendments are being nullified by people so conceited that they grant themselves rights that they deny the rest of us based on their certain knowledge of their own infallibility. The argument is the same one employed by every despot in history to justify totalitarian government.

The one thing the progressives can’t control is the reason that they will ultimately fail in their quest to destroy our self governance. We Americans have grown up for generations accustomed to our freedoms; we will fight our oppressors with the tools the founders gave us. The day of reckoning is coming for those who would enslave us. We will not be subjects. The progressives have enjoyed considerable success by slowly eroding freedom at a pace that fails to cause alarm. The sixties and seventies generation of progressives got infected with the desire to have it all now and their move to rapidly transform the country has given rise to the patriotic counter current they fear so much.

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