In 1975 a PhD. in atmospheric science and climate specialist
for NASA gave a guest lecture at the university where I was an undergraduate.
His discussion on the subject, one analogy in particular has stayed with me all
these years. He painted a mental image for us of a 10,000 seat football stadium
where the seats represented the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. He said
before you get too concerned about CO2, realize that only three of those seats
would be CO2 by volume. If instead we consider the greenhouse gases by their
effective contribution and not volume then he said the CO2 would only occupy one
seat. Virtually all of the seats in that stadium would represent water vapor.
The scientific and pseudo scientific community publish
articles citing empirical data from one study or another to add gravity to the
argument they are making. A careful reading of the way that the data is
presented in each paper is usually instructive. Take for instance the papers
that state 99.4% of the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere is CO2.
This statement is true if you ignore the contribution of water vapor. No less
authority than the U.S. Department of Energy published a chart in October of
2000 showing that 99.438% of the greenhouse gas is CO2. Of the 368,400 parts
per billion (PPB) CO2 in the atmosphere they could only credit 11.880 PPB to be
manmade additions. The rest of the CO2 existed before mankind started burning
fossil fuels or got there through natural activity such as volcanic eruptions. 3.2%
of the total atmospheric CO2 is all they could blame on mankind through our
entire history but more importantly the chart states that the figures do not
include water vapor. You see this exception over and over in the literature
because it helps to color the narrative showing CO2 as a bad actor. If you
include water vapor in the study CO2 only contributes 3.62% to the greenhouse
effect. So 3.2% (mans contribution) of 3.62% of the total greenhouse effect can
fairly be blamed on mankind burning fossil fuels. One tenth of one percent (0.001)
is the fault of man. Another piece of empirical data used over and over states
quite accurately that throughout history the periods of highest average climate
temperatures are also the times when the CO2 levels were the highest. The
question of cause or effect is pertinent here. Is the climate average
temperature high because of the elevated CO2 level or is the CO2 level elevated
because of the high temperatures? Look up a graph for yourself that plots the
earth’s temperature over time including a plot of CO2 levels. I can save you
some time, the temperature rise pre-dates the increase in CO2 levels
consistently by about 1000 years. It does seem that increased temperature
causes the elevated CO2 levels and not the opposite, at the very least we can
deduce that the CO2 could not have caused any temperature rise which proceeded
it by many years.
In April of 2012
forty nine former scientists, engineers and astronauts from NASA sent a joint
letter to the current NASA administrator. The letter objected to NASA and the
Goddard Institute for Space Studies extreme advocacy of the theory that CO2 is
causing global warming. The scientists included these points.
“The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major
cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective
assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public
“We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that
man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate
change are not substantiated.”
“We request that NASA refrain from including
unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and web sites on this
So if the CO2 isn’t a major contributor to the heating up
the planet what is? Sampling of the ice cores shows that the earth has
undergone cycles of warming every 100,000 years. A study of the earth’s orbital
dynamics (spending more time closer to the sun) explains the variation
including the 100,000 year frequency of ice ages. The time line of 100,000 year
cycles shows that we are due for a warming trend. Random variations tend to
coincide with volcanic eruptions that put ash in the atmosphere or the level of
solar activity.
It seems imprudent to take drastic measures aimed at
reducing CO2 emissions when their impact is virtually negligible on the
environment. Remember that if mankind had never burned any fossil fuel the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would only be lower by 0.1%. The
financial impact on industry and the economy on the other hand is anything but
negligible. It is left to us to investigate what motivates the “climate change”
alarmists who slant the scientific data in their effort to foment a crisis.
Could it be that the lure of nearly unlimited research grants and speaking fees
are having a corrupting influence on some who are so inclined?
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