Friday, January 31, 2014



Article II of the Constitution says in part “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” With this broad definition of qualification for office in mind the framers of the Constitution limited the duties and authority of the federal government.

One bit of housekeeping before I go on, full disclosure requires that the reader know that both my wife and I voted for Herman Cain during the last republican Primary and that we donated to his campaign fund. I believe that the reader can deduce from context that I am a conservative.

To make the case so provocatively stated in the title it will be necessary to draw some comparisons to our present administration. If the law of the land is faithfully adhered to I do not believe that any adult male or female could or should be barred from holding the office. The qualifier of adhering to the law does present a problem though. There is a process of checks and balances in our government to assure the people the opportunity for a government by the people. If as is the case today, the laws are only followed as a matter of discretion in the executive branch of government, the Legislative and Judicial branches should provide a check to executive power. Failing that, we always have the vigorous free press and the two year election cycle of the House to protect us from government overreach. But what if as today there is something about the individual in office that, counter to the Constitution, causes the Legislative branch not to act. What if the press predominantly finds its own reason to remain silent when laws are broken by the President. Could an unscrupulous commander in chief then cloak himself in secrecy as a “matter of national security” and exercise authority unilaterally, almost as a monarch.

In America today any scribe who dares to question a policy of the president is drowned out in a chorus of voices on all sides yelling “racist”. The President, through no fault or skill of his own, has dark enough skin to be considered black. It is amazing that this fact allowed him to defeat the darling of the political left in the 2008 democratic primary. The politics of Obama and Hillary Clinton are so similar that the voters could have swung either way. His race though, caused even Hillary to hold back from pressing home her usual brand of bare knuckle political attacks on the vulnerable newcomer. In a time of national crisis on unemployment, healthcare, foreign policy and debt that would usually fill the news, the press still remain almost silent. With 90% of Americans polled indicating that they feel the country is headed in the wrong direction the Legislature still does not act to block the imperial actions of the President. The president has twin shields protecting him from criticism as his administration moves from scandal to scandal while he exercises unilateral power through executive orders and executive privilege. The Presidents job approval has sunk to 39% and still no one raises the call for impeachment lest they be branded a racist. Being Liberal and black at the same time has made the President almost invincible.

I do not fault the President for being liberal in his politics or because he is half black. I do believe that his policies have failed and that he has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. The real fault lies with half of the country for letting him have a legal pass because he is liberal and the other half of the country for not having the courage to criticize his actions because he is black. The press has failed America by not holding this man accountable as they would if he were a conservative.

My fear is that we may next elect a liberal woman who would also have twin shields to use as she pushes forward a progressive agenda.

I say that we need a conservative, black or white, in the office for a while so that the Press and   Legislative Branch of government can remember what their job truly is.

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