The government decides not to enforce immigration laws that those
on the left don’t agree with. Citizens in border states are paying for
emergency and public services for millions of illegal aliens and when state
governments try to enforce the laws the federal justice department steps in
with injunctions to stop them. Obamacare is costing most Americans huge
increases in health insurance premiums while providing free benefits to illegal
aliens and forcing citizens out of health plans that they like and away from
their doctors. The huge iron fist of the IRS is being used to force health care
providers who have religious affiliation to violate their faith and provide
contraception and abortion services to employees. The Little Sisters of the
Poor have been told that they will be fined millions of dollars out of the
donations they have received to provide health care for the poor if they do not
comply. The IRS is also at the center of a huge scandal involving suppression
of right wing groups who wished to organize for political action. The head of
the IRS division involved even asserted her fifth amendment right not to
testify to Congress to prevent incriminating herself.
People are rightly
frightened of their government. The rule of law has been suspended in favor of
social engineering and political expedience. Any citizen who speaks out in
favor of requiring photo I.D. to vote is accused of racism. Notice that the
requirement for photo I.D. is not proposed to apply to any specific race or
group so it is hard to give credibility to the racism claim. In our republic
the vote is our only control of the government and it is guaranteed to us by
the Constitution. The people who refuse to allow the identity of voters to be
verified are disenfranchising legitimate voters. The fact that those same
people work in the U.S. Justice Department is a real life example of a “clear
and present danger” to our republic. Think for a moment about the Justice
Department’s blind eye turned on the voter intimidation by the New Black
Panthers in Philadelphia and the similar case of intimidation and violence by
the SEIU. Both of the cases above were caught on video tape and still ignored
by the Attorney General.
The President declared openly during the last state of the
union address that he would act unilaterally to circumvent the Congress and he received
a standing ovation from the Democrats in Congress. He has in fact already acted
beyond his constitutional authority over and over in regulatory actions and
executive orders. For example; the Congress considered and rejected “cap and
trade” legislation aimed at reducing our consumption of fossil fuels. The
President has used the EPA to implement regulations effectively destroying the
coal and gas industry. Presidents do not have the authority to write laws! They
are prohibited from acting unilaterally by the constitution to prevent the
office from turning into an imperial position. The president has caused the
Justice Department to fail in its duty to the American people. Homeland
Security spies on citizens with impunity, the IRS infringes on freedom of
speech and the selective enforcement of ACA provisions are all examples in the
headlines of our out of control government waging war on American citizens. We
have a crisis in this country and it exists because statists in our government
aided and abetted by the liberal press have set themselves up as a ruling class
and will do or say anything to remain in power over us, their subjects. It is
time for the American people to rise up and use our last option to drive the
government back into the cage built for it as described in the constitution. We
desperately need to force an article V convention in spite of the statists and
reassert the rule of law in this country.