Friday, February 7, 2014



I remember the feeling of outrage and complete frustration I had one day when a small town police officer gave me a $300 speeding ticket. My work crew and I had just left a job site and were not exceeding the speed limit. I objected to the officer’s contention that I had violated the law and was told my court date would be one week later with the local justice of the peace. The bail was $300 cash and had to be remitted on the spot as I was “not from around there” and a flight risk.

It was easy to see that we could not get justice in that small town and it is easy to see that the same kind of abuse of power is being practiced on a much larger scale in the Department of Justice today. I usually begin looking into who profits from events when trying to understand our government’s actions. For instance: I wondered why a little known attorney, with no experience as a judge, working in the justice department got nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama. Turns out she just happened to be, by coincidence, the attorney that had blocked all challenges to Senator Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President. We learned last week that the Justice Department attorney tasked with running the investigation into the IRS targeting scandal has concluded that there was no criminal wrongdoing. The attorney assigned to run probe of the executive branch works in the executive branch and finds no evidence of wrongdoing in the executive branch. We all knew the conclusion she would reach before she started! One other pertinent piece of information that has come out is that, Barbara Bosserman, the head of the probe contributed to both the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee. She is clearly a person with a significant conflict of interest and as such inappropriate for the position. In addition to the conflict of interest Ms. Bosserman reached her conclusion without contacting the victims of the IRS targeting or their attorneys. Remember the head of the IRS department guilty of the targeting admitted the department had acted inappropriately and when asked to appear before the House oversight committee she used her, fifth amendment, right to avoid incriminating herself. Who profited when conservative groups were delayed until after the election from organizing to raise money for campaigns? The answer is the same administration that investigated itself and concluded there was no criminal wrongdoing. It is also the same administration that investigated the Fast and Furious gun running operation while vowing to get to the bottom of the mess. People, including border patrol agent Brian Terry died as a result of the illegal operation and no one has been held accountable. The only names that surfaced during the “investigation” belonged to people who got promoted. The investigation was a sham and the Attorney General lied to cover it up before Congress. The President said his administration would not stop until we punished those responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Bengazi. Nothing has been done and the whitewashing of Mrs. Clinton goes on to this day.

Vast amounts of taxpayer money go to companies that donated to the Presidents campaigns and the press, look the other way. Justice won’t investigate so there is no story? SEIU and New Black Panthers are caught on video tape intimidating voters at poling places and the Justice Department finds no reason to prosecute.

The executive branch wields the biggest stick in the world and this administration has chosen time and again to bring the power of the government down on the heads of American citizens. They operate in an extra-constitutional manner circumventing Congress and without help from Congress or the Justice department the American people are helpless. The only time the press even took notice is when James Rosen was targeted by the Justice Department. Except for the Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, for which he is investigating himself, nothing happened. When there are no consequences for wrongdoing there will be more wrongdoing.

We do not need to have a smoking gun, we have dead Americans and citizens denied Constitutional rights. The circumstantial evidence leaves a broad and well worn path to the executive branch. It is way past the time for appointment of an independent prosecutor. Remember to ask yourself who profited from the long list of lawless actions.

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