Friday, February 7, 2014



I admit to donating to the Republican Party in the past when they would call and play an appeal prerecorded by some conservative aimed at my wallet. I have, more often, donated to individual candidate’s campaign funds when I felt that they held principled beliefs close to my own. I received four calls in the last week decrying the deplorable condition of the nation and urging me to give generously so that the Republicans could keep up the fight and win even more seats and therefore control in Congress.

I have chosen to deliver a message to the Republican Party in each call and it goes something like this: First I ask if John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are still running things? Once they answer in the affirmative, I politely tell them to call back when there are conservative leaders in place who will use the power we have vested in them to fight the tyranny coming from the oval office. Next I let the caller know that I have already donated to conservative primary challengers of the worthless Republican leadership. Invariably the callers ask if $300 is too much I would be more comfortable with some smaller donation amount. It is usually about this point in the conversation that I get upset and deliver a pointed message to get through to the caller.

I know that there are good principled conservatives in the Republican Party and I also know it is unfair to lump them all together. I choose to send direct contributions to congressional members as I can, based on their demonstrated voting record. I read an article on Free Republic the other day that claimed Karl Rove’s super pack had seen donation levels fall 98% after he publicly attacked the TEA Party. If true I believe the Republican Party had better wise up, the TEA Party is conservative America, not the demonized radical fringe it is depicted to be by the liberals. We conservatives have been quietly going about our business living our lives and doing our jobs for so long that neither political party knows how to react when we get motivated and speak out. The Republicans were quick to take credit for the 2010 election gains on their side of the isle. They never seemed to understand that the conservative voters who handed them those victories expected results, not ”bipartisanship”. Washington D.C. is populated by legislators selling influence and special interest lobbyists buying influence. The taxpayers have had enough and we are going to break up that cesspool and throw the creatures that live there out in the cold with the rest of us.

Thomas Jefferson said: “The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Interesting that he chose the word Democracy when he knew very well the United States is a representative republic. The part of our government that was and is democratic, the direct election of our representatives, was where he saw the possibility of trouble. He understood that elected officials who tax working people for the benefit of those capable but unwilling to work could buy votes.

The House of Representatives controls the nation’s purse strings. John Boehner claims that a fight to freeze the debt limit is “unwinnable”. He needs to read the Constitution! All spending must originate in the chamber we gave him control of. If the House balances the budget and refuses to deficit spend the debt is frozen. The fact that he lacks the political will to do as the majority of Americans wish is why we are going to replace him.


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