The tyrants of the world always seek to cloak themselves in
a fairy tale of respectability. When a third world dictator stages a mock
election suppressing the process of a democratic election we in America
question the outcome but rarely intervene. We scoff at the huge plurality of
votes they claim to have won by or the validation that the “election” gives
their absolute authority. We as Americans are secure in our belief that our
electoral process could never be subverted enough to actually elect a candidate
that fails to win the majority of the votes. It is common in third world
politics to hear of voter and candidate intimidation. We know that phantom vote
tallies and candidate intimidation are simply not possible here. What if our
confidence is misplaced?
There are a significant number of voters from Broward Co.
Florida who vehemently claim that the Presidential election of 2000 was stolen
in their county. History shows that a few years earlier the election of
President John Kennedy hinged on the smallest of margins, tipped in the Democrats
favor by a fortunate voter turnout in the Chicago area where some precincts
exceeded 100%. There were allegations of fraud but Nixon chose not to contest the
In 2008 with no incumbent running and popular opinion
running in favor of Hillary Clinton a relatively unknown candidate with no
experience and no legislative record of accomplishment ran on a platform
without substance. Here was a candidate proclaiming hope and change and little
else. Senator Obama rode a strange combination of reverse discrimination and
anti-Bush rhetoric to the Oval office. None of the bare knuckle politics that
had dominated his state senate victory in Illinois where all four of his
challengers got disqualified before the election seemed to show up. In the
Senators successful bid to serve in the U.S. Senate the strange and illegal
public disclosure of Obama’s Republican opponent Jack Ryan’s sealed divorce
proceedings forced him to withdraw just before the election. Mr. Obama seemed
to be enjoying a lot of fortunate coincidences. In 2012 however the political
winds appeared to be against his reelection as high unemployment and the wars
dragged on. Gitmo was still open and his signature healthcare law was not
popular. A grass roots wave of conservative momentum loosely called the TEA
PARTY had flipped the House of Representatives over to Republican control in
the midterm elections and appeared to constitute a formidable opposition force
on the ground. Enter third world electioneering as the IRS systematically
thwarted the TEA PARTY’S attempts to organize. The election was long over
before IRS personnel in charge of the malfeasance started taking their “fifth
amendment” rights before a House oversight committee. A new and even more
formidable challenge surfaced. A black conservative with experience and a well
articulated plan, a candidate with a successful business background and no
political baggage. Herman Cain was the perfect storm forming up to derail the
reelection hopes of the President. The left leaning news media were having a
field day discrediting the usual crop of moderate Republican retreaded
candidates. They had to work a little harder to ridicule the conservative woman
in the race while not appearing to wage a war on women. The black conservative however
was real trouble, he could not be openly challenged any more than the President
could without opening oneself up to charges of racism. Chicago politics swung
into action and a former employee who just happened to live in the same
building as the Presidents campaign manager admitted receiving money from
Herman Cain. Rumors surfaced of corporate payoffs to suppress publicity over
Mr. Cain’s sexual harassment and the media inferred that the money paid to
Ginger White was evidence of her allegation of a decade long affair. In the
center of a media storm Mr. Cain withdrew from the race. After the damage was
done Miss White admitted that there was never a sexual relationship between her
and Mr. Cain and that his checks had been sent to help her when she was in need
of money. She said that her use of the term “affair” was just an unfortunate
Real tyrants govern by fiat, granting to themselves total
authority while condemning any and all opposition as the product of hate and
anarchy. Some invasions of privacy are explained away as necessary for the
government to provide “the people” with security. Some freedom of speech and
private property rights as well as certain types of gatherings will need to be
prohibited to avoid anarchy. Real tyrants can be identified in any group as
they pass laws while exempting themselves from application. Tyrants need to
disarm the public lest the worst of their actions incubate an armed
insurrection like the one that created this country. Real tyrants create laws
permitting them to unilaterally seize control of civil authorities, industrial
production, transportation and guns in the event of a national emergency. Tyrannies
can only happen when a population of free men, are not vigilant.
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