Friday, March 14, 2014

                     STARTING IN 2008 I WAS JOHN GAULT


We had been in business building industrial machinery for twenty five years when the political idiots tipped the economy over in 2008. Our projects had been successful because we had made them so. The result of all the hard work and personal investment was that I had enough stuff and financial security. I was so furious about the governments waste and regulatory interference that I just pulled a John Gault and ran my little side business for fun at a break even pace. For two years I paid essentially no taxes and watched the progressives drive the country farther and farther away from the representative republic it was meant to be. It was during a conversation with my father, a member of the WWII generation, that he said something that energized me to fight the bastards destroying this country. I had been studying history, my favorite subject, seeking to understand for myself the path that our government had chosen which had so damaged the world’s economy. Dad implored me to get back in the game and to do what I was trained for and experienced at. I needed to help fix the economy. His contention was that the government could not fix the mess they’d made and that only private businesses could create the jobs America needed. We had let about 100 employees go when the sub-prime mortgage disaster wrecked our manufacturing business. Most of our recent projects have been geared towards creating manufacturing facilities for building products. The collapse of building around the world eliminated our current projects and also the pending ones.

I worked with four other members of our creative team and designed a couple of products aimed at the petroleum and farming industries. Our modest success in the two new markets grows out of our designs having a free market competitive advantage and our willingness to spend our own capital on research and development. We have built our company back up until we now employ 38 people. In the middle of all the stress of starting over in the down economy I hear the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue say that I had not built my business and that the roads and government infrastructure were what made it happen. Mr. President the American tax payer built the roads not the government, the roads and infrastructure were here when we started our company three decades ago and they were there when the crash happened in 2008. Ask yourself for a moment how could so many businesses have failed when they still had the roads running right to their doors. If the road makes the business and not the entrepreneur with private capital then what happened? The people who read my blog know that I believe government interference in the free market causes our greatest peril as a nation. Our strength grows out of the firm belief that if we work hard and become successful that we will own the fruit of our labor and can achieve the American dream. You, Mr. President, and the rest of the progressives are stealing the American dream from those who are earning it and giving it to those who are not. Why is the notions of equal opportunity for all and private property rights so hated by you. I feel like getting sick every time I hear you proclaim “income inequality” as our greatest shame as a nation. You don’t seem to understand that income equality has never been the goal, the goal is and always has been to guarantee life liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. Read a history book now and then or get a real job and learn about the country before you lecture those of us who work for a living about America.

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