Thursday, March 6, 2014

                        WHY DO WE FEEL COLD OR HUNGRY


There are many interesting things about evolution and the way a species adapts to its environment. We have developed senses that constantly give us input about our surroundings and we adjust to conform to conditions around us. Our bodies unconsciously change to maintain our temperature and breathing rate etc. so that we can survive. Fear, hunger, and feeling cold or over heated are all powerful motivators without which we would not have survived as a species. The civilized world we live in now insulates us from many of the conditions that would have controlled our every thought in earlier times. We no longer need to spend 95% of our time feeding, clothing and housing ourselves as our species used to. The majority of us work productively to earn the necessities of life and also put something away for retirement and the pursuit of happiness. The plurality of citizens that work for a living is growing smaller as government assistance programs get ever more attractive. The United States gives more to the impoverished people of the world than any other nation by far every year and we are always the first to send disaster aid. Our culture is one of generosity born of our own hard work and success.

There are those among us who are by nature lazy and favor government handouts over doing productive work. I am not speaking of those citizens who are unable to work because of mental or physical incapacity. The growing minority of those receiving state and federal subsidies are more than willing to support liberal candidates that promise to keep the money flowing. We have, through our own largess and the complicity of politicians willing to steal the fruits of our labor to exchange for votes, created a large minority who vote for a living instead of working. The taxpayer revolt is a real and growing trend that the left fear. The story of the little red hen is playing out as more and more taxpayers are joining conservative groups supporting political action aimed at reforming the welfare state. The left wing media are always quick to label members of such conservative groups with their favorite ugly terminology giving cover to the politicians behind the scam.

I believe that all government support for people capable of working for a living should sunset over time and be means tested. Further I feel that any citizen who lives his or her life at the expense of other taxpayers should be required to surrender the right to vote until they are again self sufficient. We must break the cycle of generational dependence along with the crime and substance abuse that it promotes. Idle hands are the devils playground so to speak and our inner cities show the results of generations of social programs aimed at eliminating poverty. Government welfare benefits now provide more money per month than minimum wage jobs in 24 states. How can we look in the mirror and ask ourselves why the workforce participation rate is low and falling. We have eliminated the need to work and are funding the subsistence life style so well that it is comfortable. Nature gave us feelings of hunger and cold for a reason and we have ignorantly upset the balance. When Presidents Kennedy and Johnson created welfare it was billed as “a hand up not a handout” aimed at eliminating poverty. We need to change the failed welfare programs so that they work as planned and we need to do it now. Welfare reform is not racist or mean spirited, it does not have to be done in ways that prove catastrophic to those who actually require the help. Reform is necessary so that economic growth can boom in this country again.  

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