John Scott of FOX News aired a show titled “Enemies of the State”
in which four case studies detailed the war being waged by the Federal
Government against private U. S. citizens. The show followed closely on the
heels of a breaking news story about the EPA flexing its new regulatory muscle
against a Wyoming man who dared to build a fully state permitted pond on his
own land. The penalties brought against the property owner include $75,000 per
day in fines. The new EPA regulations profess to give complete authority to the
EPA over any flowing water that may have a downstream effect on navigable water.
If one takes a moment to consider the ramifications of the last sentence you
will quickly realize that the agency has just taken water rights authority away
from the individual States who have possessed that authority since the country
began. The founders of our nation set down a charter of negative rights
proscribed to the Federal Government so that the Government would remain; of,
for, and by the people. This charter is the document we call the Constitution
and it is under assault as never before by the progressive left and their lap
dog media. Citizens are increasingly forced to defend their rights in expensive
court battles against a foe funded by their own tax dollars. The courts have
been stacked with progressive leaning judges and the Department of Justice
under Holder is nothing more than the political enforcement wing of the
executive branch. If you throw in the startlingly egregious violations of civil
rights by the IRS of late it paints a gloomy picture of America’s future. This
country was founded on the notion of people having God given inalienable rights
and that we have sole ownership over our personal property and our own work
product. Sadly the one great lapse in judgment codified into our founding
document by the framers was the exclusion of blacks and women from the equal
rights protections. The thirteenth and fifteenth amendments corrected the issue
of rights based on race and later the nineteenth amendment did the same for
women. Every day’s headlines include new stories of gross violations of some
citizens Constitutional rights by this administration and their Federal agency
thugs. The ATF is a serial offender as is the EPA and the BLM. Today’s example
is another attack by the BLM on a Nevada rancher named Cliven Bundy; the stated
reason behind the raid and confiscation of the Bundy’s cattle is the protection
of the endangered desert tortoise whose numbers in recent months have dwindled
due to a BLM euthanizing program. That is correct the BLM has been killing
hundreds of the very same species that the round-up on Saturday is claimed to
be to protect. In fact like most of the environmental enforcements this one is
actually about money. It seems that protecting the poor tortoises is not nearly
as important to the BLM if ranchers pay the newly imposed tortoise protection
grazing rights fees. So there you have it, the tortoises are too valuable to risk
losing unless you kick in enough money for the Feds to look the other way. When
protestors flocked to the Bundy ranch the Federal swat team roped off an area
and labeled it as the “first amendment zone.” Protestors dispersed over the
whole area after first posting a sign of their own inside the roped off area
which read “the first amendment is not an area.”
We are forced by the most feared wing of the Federal Government
to work for free in involuntary servitude every fourth day as American
citizens. The IRS raids personal financial accounts and commandeers paychecks enforcing
their, guilty until proven innocent, tactics while the entire burden of proof falls
to the tax payer. We are forced to fund our own legal costs and our oppressors
who are secure in their exact knowledge of the meager resources available to us
for our own defense. Companies withhold payroll taxes from paychecks which we
are allowed to try to recover any over payments from at the end of the year. We
have a new burden to carry with our involuntary servitude this year, the
healthcare costs of anyone the administration thinks is needy or who might possibly
vote Democratic. The revolution is coming and the progressives understand that
Admiral Yamamoto was right when he said that no military could defeat the armed
American citizens. Is it any wonder why they attack the second amendment above
all others.
Hey John,
ReplyDeleteRead 'The Miracle at Jekyll Island' about the birth of the IRS. It will make you want to scream. Hope you are getting out on the water. Fsir winds, Ace.