Thursday, April 17, 2014



I can just hear the honorable Harry Reid circa 1775 claiming that all of the lawless traitors, soon to be founding fathers, must abide by the rule of the kings laws. Outlaws must be held accountable to the rule of law and the His Britannic Majesties sovereign right to 100% of the colonies products and profits. Where would we be today if the founders of this country had listened to the pompous British governors of the colonies when they said the very same kind of things meant to subjugate the colonists to the king’s authority? The Senators arguments today on the television are just as dumb as they would have been in 1775. The citizens who flocked to the Bundy ranch to protest the unlawful actions of the BLM did not fire a shot or detonate a bomb. No one was killed Mr. Reid! The citizens should not have been called domestic terrorists for exercising their rights and the way you used your position to say that they are terrorists diminishes the truly awful acts committed by real terrorists. When lawless, self serving men like Harry Reid are in charge of making the laws that they exempt themselves from, why should American citizens be held to a higher standard. We have a ruling class of politicians in Washington D. C. that flaunt the very laws we are told to obey, do they really believe that the country will not rise up against the tyranny and violation of our Constitutional rights? The President and the Attorney General have taken it upon themselves to decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore. Harry Reid is as dirty and dishonest as any politician in Washington. Nevada, would you please put this imbecile out of the counties misery! Harry has done so much damage to the country through his own lawless behavior and the shameless abuse of his position as Senate majority leader it is well past time for him to be impeached. I wonder what the framers of our Constitution would say today if they knew a single senator who won reelection by a few thousand votes in Nevada would have the ability to totally control the agenda of the one body of government designed to foster debate, the branch of government built to guarantee that every state could be given equal say without regard to population. What would they say about the same solitary senator calling American citizens who dared to exercise their first amendment rights, terrorists? I believe that the “one nation under god” founders of this country who dared to pledge their lives, sacred honor and fortunes to the notion that they could form a more perfect union would be dismayed by the autocratic actions of this man. I don’t know the details of the Bundy property dispute well enough to draw any absolute conclusions but I do know that a majority of the citizens of this country are fed up with the federal regulatory machine grinding out endless new restrictions on our rights as citizens. The administration better wake up and mend their ways or they will learn just how much iceberg is hiding below the tip that showed itself in the Nevada desert. Americans are slow to action but once roused to the fight, they fight to win. We all know the Constitution is the real law of the land not the endless stream of government overreach that passes for laws today in the activist judicial system. Remember Harry, the 18th amendment was the law of the land once upon a time and the citizens changed that and now the 21st stands as law. If misguided amendments to the Constitution can be thrown out so can your federal statutes. Every day you make the second amendment more important.

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